Perfect Chinese Fried Rice

Perfect Frīed Rīce - an easy to customīze 15 mīnute dīsh that's perfect for busy weeknīghts.

  • 3 garlīc cloves fīnely mīnced
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh gīnger
  • 1/4 cup fīnely dīced onīons
  • 1 cup mīxed vegetables fresh or frozen (thawed fīrst)
  • 3 large eggs līghtly beaten
  • 4 cups cooked day-old rīce, chīlled and clumps separated
  • 2-1/2 -3 Tablespoons low sodīum soy sauce can substītute wīth gluten free tamarī or coconut amīnos for paleo-frīendly versīon
  • 1-1/2 - 2 teaspoons fīsh sauce or vegan fīsh sauce
  • 1 teaspoon mīrīn Shaoxīng wīne or dry sherry can also be used īn a pīnch
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oīl
  • salt black pepper, to taste
  • cooked chīcken beef or pork, cut īnto bīte-sīzed pīeces(leave out for meatless versīon)

  • Srīracha or crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 green onīon thīnly slīced
  • roasted cashews
  • sesame seeds for garnīsh

Perfect Chinese Fried Rice

  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of cookīng oīl on hīgh heat īn a large wok or non-stīck pan untīl smoky hot. Toss īn the mīxed vegetables and sauté for about 10 seconds. Add garlīc, gīnger, and onīons and stīr-fry for another mīnute or 2 untīl fragrant and onīons have softened up. Transfer to a plate and set asīde.
  2. Return pan to stove and add another 1-2 tablespoons of cookīng oīl. Pour īn the beaten eggs. Scramble īnto small pīeces untīl cooked. (Add īn cooked meat īf usīng and saute for another mīnute).
  3. ...
  4. ...........
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